Every people has its own charms, that promise their owners prosperity and wealth. When handling financial, energy is a whole science.
Among the slavs of the money themselves for centuries, was considered an iron horse, the chinese - the frog is three-legged with coins in the mouth. For the amulet had magical powers, it is important to do with his own hands and charge it with positive energy.
How to make a amulet in silver
Make an amulet of money, you can of coins, stones, wood, fabric, essential oils and other means of fortune. Remember to make different charms to attract money with their own hands.
The amulet of money: "the Bag with money"
For the manufacture of juju need to prepare in advance: the coins of different dignity, eucalyptus oil and a cloth bag. Each piece of eucalyptus oil and put it in a bag, and sew the hand from any fabric. After this, the bag with the money to build the string and hide it in a secret place. Periodically, to meet his amulet and, dropping her, hold. It is important to think about your own financial well-being and cash flow.
Amulet money: "the Non-exchangeable part"
To transform the ticket in the silver of the amulet, it is necessary to take found in the street of the room and put it in the department of wallet or your bag. This magical ritual should only be done on the crescent of the Moon. Non-exchangeable piece will help you increase your income, but also to attract it into your life new cash flows.
The amulet of his own hands: "the Money from the envelope on the financial well-being"
This amulet you need to create only on the crescent of the Moon on Thursday. For the manufacture of its ready: fabric and a candle of green color, a red cloth, coin, leaf of eucalyptus and oil of bergamot. At midnight on the table, spread with a red cloth and light a candle. On the table, put the green fabric, and to itself, a coin, greased with oil of bergamot, and the gumleaf. Then, repeat three times the magic words: "the Richness of the receive, it will be like I want to." After this, fold the fabric green with a coin and the leaf of eucalyptus in the shape of the envelope. This silver amulet you must always have with you.
The amulet of his own hands: "Monetary box"
This amulet is not only to attract money, but will increase their number several times. For the manufacture of the amulet prepare a wooden box without any images and inscriptions, amethyst, coins and bank notes, some chinese coins with a red ribbon. On the crescent of the Moon bend of the money in the bote of all these objects, and to hide from prying eyes. Once a month, put a little bit of bank notes or coins in a small box.
The amulet of silver: "Flavored mascot of the wealth"
Mages claim that some perfumes are able to attract money. For the manufacture of pet, prepare a cloth bag, a bill of the nominal value of 50 rubles, three coins, a powder of basil and of cinnamon, and two drops of the following essential oils: bergamot, sandal, patchouli, pine, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
In the glass of the tank it is necessary to mix the essential oils. This manipulation is necessary to perform on the crescent of the Moon on Saturday. Then, in a container with the mixture of essential oils it is necessary to put three coins in and leave them there for three days. After that, the coins must you obtain and at the same time tighten by a 50 ruble ticket. Then received the package and place them in a bag and pour it out to him, the cinnamon powder and the basilica. Flavored mascot you must always have in your purse.
The amulet money: "Magical bracelet amulet"

For the making of this amulet and buy a new thread in the following colors: red, green, and blue. These colors have not been chosen by chance, as the red, will increase the strength of the desire, the green color is the symbol monetary well-being, and the blue color will assist accomplishment of your desire the more expensive. Of these wires on the crescent of the Moon weaving hair and secure the ends between them to form a bracelet.
In the process of braiding important to focus on his own desire, and thinking only about the financial well-being. Bracelet amulet need to wear on the ankle of the left leg. After a large sum of money or a good deal bracelet amulet must burn.
The amulet of his own hands "the Money glomerulus"
This amulet will help you attract in your house money luck. For its manufacture, take any room and the green wire. Cover a piece of stitching, so as to obtain a ball. Secure the ends of the wire and hang on a silver amulet to the inside of the front door. Periodically on the ball can be a drip of essential oils that attract money and financial well-being.
For the amulet of money has improved your financial situation, you must not only make his own hands, but the load of positive energy. If you do not, the amulet will not have a magical power and become a decoration.
How to recharge the energy of the amulet of money
There are many ways of charge of the energy cash of amulets. Consider the most popular formats for more detail.
- Charging the amulet of the energy of the elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
For the amulet of money received the power of the Water , glass, tap water of natural source and lower your amulet. Then a glass with an amulet put on 3 days in an isolated place. After the end of the ritual of the water pouring over the crossroads.
For the magical charge of the subject of the energy of Fire , you must light the candle and take the amulet three times through the flame.
If you want to download the amulet of the energy of the Earth , dig in a quiet place, a small hole and place your magic talisman. Then sprinkle the hole with the amulet of earth and leave it there for three days.
In order to charge the amulet of silver energy from the Air , place it on the left hand and place your lips. The owner of magic of the object should not blow on the amulet.

- Charging amulet of silver with the strength of his own thought. For several weeks, often, keep your amulet in the hands and represent the desired amount.
- Charging the amulet of the strength of the light of the moon. At the full moon or in the days of the waxing Moon put your amulet in the light of the moon. This way you do not only load object magic and energy, but also to increase its power.
Keep charge of the cash of the amulet in a place that is isolated or permanently, wear with a.
Do not let other people touch his magical lucky charms. Recharge new energy, and don't forget the amulet of thanking him for his support in the issues of aid money.